President John Mahama’s so-called “small government” is nothing but a grand deception. After making noise about cutting down the number of ministers, he has simply redirected the bloated government expenditure into committee appointments—piling more financial burden on the public purse while pretending to be prudent.

By appointing an unusually high number of committee members with fat allowances and privileges, Mahama has effectively created a parallel bureaucracy that costs just as much, if not more, than a large ministerial setup. So far, 175 committee members have been appointed across 19 committees, all draining resources that could have been used for real development.

What we are witnessing is not cost-cutting but a shift in transparency—instead of appointing ministers whose salaries and allowances would be fully accounted for, Mahama has pushed much of the government’s administrative burden onto the Office of the President and these numerous committees, all of which are still drawing heavily on the public purse. This means Ghana has a large government in expenditure, but a small government on paper—a calculated attempt to mislead the people.

This is not a government of the people; it is a government of committees, by committees, and for committees! Ghanaians deserve better than this deliberate deception and waste of public resources.

In the coming days, I will be filing a question in Parliament to demand answers from the government on how much has been spent on these committees so far and where the funds have been sourced from. If Mahama truly believed in a lean government, why has he created this expensive web of committees? The people of Ghana deserve transparency, not empty slogans and deceitful governance.